Almetyevsk is Paradise

Әлмәт – җәннәт

The joy of the long-awaited meeting
Joint creation of a mural by city residents with the artist Natalya Pastukhova
Natalya Pastukhova (Ekaterinburg, Russia) and the residents of Almetyevsk
1A/2 Hertsena, Yuldash shopping complex
The art object was created jointly with the residents of Almetyevsk


The joy of the long-awaited meeting and recognizable symbols of the native region.

The «Tales of Golden Apples» public art program is based on a series of cultural studies conducted by anthropologists, historians and folklorists in the Almetyevsk region. Each of them is dedicated to the traditions, values, narratives and practices of the region's inhabitants.
ďalmət zhənnət – «Almetyevsk is Paradise» in Tatar.
ďalmət – the name of the city in the Tatar language and the modern shortened form «Almet».
ėənnət – «heaven/paradise» in Tatar.
Photographer: Anton Selone.
Photographer: Anton Selone.
The mural «Almetyevsk is Paradise» is painted on the wall of the Yuldash shopping center. However, it can only be approached from the side of the bus station, and the concept of the mural was also inspired by it. This work is about the joy of meeting and returning home. It's not the first time that artist Natalya Pastukhova comes to Almetyevsk under this public art program. She is well-known to the residents from the mural «Grow / Үстерү» from the «ABC Book / Әлифба» series and the master classes held in the city.

The mural portrays the main characters hugging each other, just like people arriving at the bus station and those who are meeting them do. In addition to hugging people, it depicts the artist's association with Almetyevsk: «apples, whose smell permeates the air in the city in September, endowing it with the feeling of a rich autumn harvest, geese and bright sunflowers that you see as you approach the city.»


Art object form: mural
Style: naive
Material used: facade paint
Ital. Mural — wall

Monumental wall painting created on a faсade or a blank wall of a building or any other urban architectural objects.

As part of the «Dialogue with the city» program of the final public art season of the «Tales of Golden Apples» program in 2022, a series of master classes took place in Almetyevsk, where residents and artists created art objects together.

Like the characters in «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer», the townspeople together with the artist Natalya Pastukhova painted the wall of the shopping center in the First Village. On the first day of the master class, the participants marked out the future mural, and on the following two days they painted with rollers and brushes along with the artist.
Photographer: Anton Selone.
Photographer: Anton Selone.


Natalya has been engaged in street art for a long time: her portfolio includes walls in Yekaterinburg and Perm, in Yamal and Novotroitsk, Novosibirsk and many other places. Natalya also engaged in branding and space design. Among her works are the IKEA bistro in Yekaterinburg and a car park in Finland. In addition, she oversees various children's programs: teaches book and magazine publishing, creates costumes for fantastic creatures, draws with children with special needs.

As part of the five-year «Tales of Golden Apples» public art program, Natalya held three master classes for city residents and painted the mural «Grow» in the collective project «ABC Book».


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