The mural «Almetyevsk is Paradise» is painted on the wall of the Yuldash shopping center. However, it can only be approached from the side of the bus station, and the concept of the mural was also inspired by it. This work is about the joy of meeting and returning home. It's not the first time that artist Natalya Pastukhova comes to Almetyevsk under this public art program. She is well-known to the residents from the mural
«Grow / Үстерү» from the
«ABC Book / Әлифба» series and the master classes held in the city.
The mural portrays the main characters hugging each other, just like people arriving at the bus station and those who are meeting them do. In addition to hugging people, it depicts the artist's association with Almetyevsk: «apples, whose smell permeates the air in the city in September, endowing it with the feeling of a rich autumn harvest,
geese and bright sunflowers that you see as you approach the city.»