12 players (or a smaller even number) are divided into two equal teams: «Day» and «Night» in accordance with a painting on the ground. Players take their places on triangle points at the edges of the field. Each player chooses a sequence number from 1 to 6.
One of the participants is leading a game. He uses a randomizer and tells the participants whose turn it is and how many steps players should take. The teams take turns.
The number of the player who is supposed to make a move drop out on the dice #1. It is the left number in the randomizer.
With each move, the player makes from 1 to 6 steps. The quantity of moves drops out on the dice #2. It is the right number in the randomizer.
The winner is the team where all players were the first to cross to the opposite side. The most important rule is the minimum stride length of 1.5 meters (safe social distance measure).
This is a randomizer. You can roll the dice by clicking on the image with the left mouse button.
ООО «ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА УЛИЧНОГО ИСКУССТВА» ИНН: 7810474682 КПП: 784201001 ОГРН: 1167847291545 ОКПО: 03512611 ОКВЭД: 90.0 (Деятельность творческая, деятельность в области искусства и организации развлечений) Расчетный счет: 40702810455160005262 Банк: СЕВЕРО-ЗАПАДНЫЙ БАНК ПАО СБЕРБАНК БИК: 044030653 Корр. счет: 30101810500000000653 Юридический адрес: 191040, Санкт-Петербург г, Лиговский пр-кт, дом 50, литера Н, помещение 16-Н офис № 56 Телефон: 401-44-90 Генеральный директор: Фиева Полина Григорьевна