The mural «White Flowers» on the wall of the hospital was created by Ivan Ninety, who specializes in collages. In this very piece of art he combined several themes: dawn over the Almetyevsk hills, traditional floral embroidery and white crocuses. Together they symbolize healing and hope. Ninety's favourite blue and white colours are prevailing in the mural: it is a reference to cyanotype, a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print. Analog photography became an important stage for Ivan in the search for his own style.
The mural can be found on the wall above the emergency room of Almetyevsk's Central District Hospital.
The mural «White Flowers» on the wall of the hospital was created by Ivan Ninety, who specializes in collages. In this very piece of art he combined several themes: dawn over the Almetyevsk hills, traditional floral embroidery and white crocuses. Together they symbolize healing and hope. Ninety's favourite blue and white colours are prevailing in the mural: it is a reference to cyanotype, a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print. Analog photography became an important stage for Ivan in the search for his own style.
The mural can be found on the wall above the emergency room of Almetyevsk's Central District Hospital.
«What was peculiar about the working process on the mural is the place itself: ambulances cruised beside me twenty-four seven. The chief medical officer, once passing by the wall, sincerely thanked me for the work. I really appreciate it.»
Ivan Ninety
A limited edition prints by Ivan Ninety are available at the «Tales of the Golden Apples»
store. All the proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Central District Hospital of Almetyevsk.
A limited edition print by Ivan Ninety. All the proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Central District Hospital of Almetyevsk.
A limited edition prints by Ivan Ninety are available at the «Tales of the Golden Apples» store. All the proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Central District Hospital of Almetyevsk.
A limited edition print by Ivan Ninety. All the proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Central District Hospital of Almetyevsk.
ООО «ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА УЛИЧНОГО ИСКУССТВА» ИНН: 7810474682 КПП: 784201001 ОГРН: 1167847291545 ОКПО: 03512611 ОКВЭД: 90.0 (Деятельность творческая, деятельность в области искусства и организации развлечений) Расчетный счет: 40702810455160005262 Банк: СЕВЕРО-ЗАПАДНЫЙ БАНК ПАО СБЕРБАНК БИК: 044030653 Корр. счет: 30101810500000000653 Юридический адрес: 191040, Санкт-Петербург г, Лиговский пр-кт, дом 50, литера Н, помещение 16-Н офис № 56 Телефон: 401-44-90 Генеральный директор: Фиева Полина Григорьевна