A series of design laboratories for those who want to create art on the city streets.
In 2020, the public art team of the Tales of Golden Apples program launched the City After educational project in support of regional artists. The school comprised design laboratories for those who want to professionally engage in art in public spaces. It is also aimed at city residents who just want to learn new skills. First of all, the curators taught to explore the city from a viewpoint of the artist, architect, anthropologist and passerby. They shared their experiences on how to work in a team and how to present and defend a preliminary design.
Three laboratories were held as part of the «City After» school: «Nature in the city / City in nature», Almet Media Lab and Designworkout + Almetpublicart Lab.
ООО «ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА УЛИЧНОГО ИСКУССТВА» ИНН: 7810474682 КПП: 784201001 ОГРН: 1167847291545 ОКПО: 03512611 ОКВЭД: 90.0 (Деятельность творческая, деятельность в области искусства и организации развлечений) Расчетный счет: 40702810455160005262 Банк: СЕВЕРО-ЗАПАДНЫЙ БАНК ПАО СБЕРБАНК БИК: 044030653 Корр. счет: 30101810500000000653 Юридический адрес: 191040, Санкт-Петербург г, Лиговский пр-кт, дом 50, литера Н, помещение 16-Н офис № 56 Телефон: 401-44-90 Генеральный директор: Фиева Полина Григорьевна